Student Grievance Redressal Policy

 DAV Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jalandhar (DAVIET) has an established mechanism for redressal of students grievances related to academic and non-academic matters viz. victimization, attendance, charging of fee, conduct of examinations /assessment/evaluation, library, centralized facilities, hostel mess, canteen, harassment by co students or teachers/ supporting staff etc.

1.  Objectives of Grievance Redressal Committee:

The purpose of the Grievance Redressal committees is to ensure a speedy response to any complaint by the students of DAVIET, Jalandhar.The objective(s) of the Grievance Redressal Committee are as under:
  1. Maintaining harmonious Student – Student and faculty/Staff -Student
  2. Creating an environment in which students can freely express their grievances without fear of discrimination or victimization
  3. Counseling students to refrain provoking of their fellow students against faculty  and staff of the

2. Jurisdiction of the Committee

The committee shall deal with grievances received in writing about any of the following:
  • Academic Matters – Issues related to marks/ grades and other examination related matter, Transfer Certificate, Harassment
  • Financial Matter – relating to dues and payments
  • Administrative Matters – Infrastructure related, library, hostel, canteen & central facilities, food, sanitation, victimization

3. Grievance Redressal Committee

The Principal shall constitute the Grievance Redressal Committee at the institute level. The composition of the Grievance Redressal Committee is as under:• The Dean (Student Affairs)                          Chairman • The Deputy Dean(s) -(Student Affairs)          Member/Members Member • 01 faculty member from each department     Member

 4. Procedure for Redressal of Grievance

An aggrieved student shall first submit his complaint in writing to his/her mentor who shall resolve the grievance with 02 days. In case the mentor is not able to resolve the grievance, she/he shall forward it to the chairperson of the Grievance Redressal Committee.The chairperson of Committee shall convene a meeting of the committee within 02 days of receiving the complaint from the faculty mentor or from the aggr· ved student in case he/she applies directly to the committee. The chairperson shall attempt to resolve the grievance within a week of the receipt of the complaint.If the student is not satisfied with the solution of the committee, he/she shall appeal to the worthy Principal giving the reasons for his/her dissatisfaction with the decision within a week of receipt of the decision.The worthy Principal shall convene a meeting of the committee with 02 days of receiving the complaint. The Principal shall review the decision and pass an appropriate order. The Principal, if needed may recommend necessary corrective action to ensure avoidance of recurrence of similar grievance in the Institute.
Students Grievance Redressal Committee 

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