Research and Development

Department of Research Innovation and Consultancy (RIC)

For any institute, scientific research, innovations and industries consultancy is very much necessary for high quality engineering education, where faculties and students can apply their knowledge to innovative things and can come up newer inventions. These innovations and inventions are very important for any nation to cater the upcoming challenges related to mankind. Department of Research Innovation and Consultancy (RIC) is determined to fetch research projects from the government organizations and industries to encourage the research and development. In DAVIET, the research activities are department centric. Each department contributes towards the research and development independently. The institute has collaborations with leading industries and premier institutes in India and abroad. UG and PG students are actively participating in research and development activities. Department of RIC is the Institute’s liaison with funding bodies, industry and premier institutes, and oversees all indentures relating to research, consultancy and commercialization. Department of RIC provides the support, assistance and advice in acquiring and commercializing intellectual property created by Institute staff and students thus ensuring their rights are properly protected.

The different activities of RIC department include:

  1. To organize National and International Conferences to promote the culture of research in Niche areas
  2. Collaborative programmes with other Institutes in India and Abroad
  3. Specialized Industry oriented Workshops / Courses/ Expert Lectures/ FDP’s for the benefit stakeholders.
  4. Industry defined projects by students and faculties.
  5. Joint Research Projects by Ph. D faculty with the faculty of the institutes with whom the institute has signed MOUs.
  6. Faculty Student exchange with institutes/ industry having MoUs with DAVIET.
  7. Organizing activities jointly with institutes under various Govt. funding schemes.

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