Computer Science & Engineering

Department of Computer Science and Engineering was established in 2001 to offer Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering.The department maintains an excellent teaching/learning and research environment with dedicated, qualified and dynamic faculty members and well equipped laboratories.The core competencies of the department include software engineering, computer network and security, soft computing, relational database management system, operating system etc.The students of our department take up careers in various computing industries and large engineering companies, start-up companies, management companies and other government based research organizations.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering balances the practical and theoretical aspects of computer science and provide students with a background for professional employment and also to pursue further studies in the discipline.The department has always been on a high growth path and to keep pace with the current technological trends and has started Master of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering in 2004.The M.Tech  programme is designed to help graduates and working professionals enhance their professional qualifications and career prospects, imparting advanced knowledge in specialized areas of Computer Science and Engineering.


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