The Internal Complaint Committee is constituted as per the provision of Sexual harassment of women at work place (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 for a period of 3 years.
- To provide protection against sexual harassment of women at workplace
- To prevent and redress complaints of sexual harassment
- To address matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
- To evolve a mechanism for the prevention and redressal of sexual harassment cases and other acts of gender based violence at the workplace.
Committee will take all necessary steps
- To assist the affected person in terms of support and preventive action.
- For implementation of the policies relating to the prevention of sexual harassment, strive to resolve complaints by the aggrieved complainant, and henceforth, recommend actions to be taken by the employer.
Internal Complaint Committee comprises of the following members:
S.No. | Name | Position | Contact No. |
1. | Dr. Suman Tandon (Associate Professor, BM) | Convener | 8146528051 |
2. | Mr. S.K.Uppal (Asstt. Professor, ME) | Member | 9417188433 |
3. | Mrs. Poonam Sethi (Asstt. Professor, ECE) | Member | 9876160704 |
4. | Mrs. Shallu Singh (Lab Asstt., ECE) | Member | 9463535661 |
5. | Mrs. Pooja Arora (Jr. Stenographer) | Member | 7814303617 |
6. | Mrs. Adv. Tania Bhatti | (Jalandhar Heart-YGPT India -NGO) | |
7. | Ms. Shriya (student-B. Tech. CSE 3rd Year ) | Student Member | |
8. | Mr. Dilpreet Singh (Student-B. Tech. CE 3rd Year) | Student Member | |
9. | Ms. Kritika Aggarwal (Student-MBA, 2nd Year) | Student Member |
Internal Complaint Committee comprises of the following members:
S.No. | Name | Position | Contact No. |
1. | Dr. Suman Tandon (Associate Professor, BM) | Convener | 8146528051 |
2. | Mr. S.K.Uppal (Asstt. Professor, ME) | Member | 9417188433 |
3. | Mrs. Poonam Sethi (Asstt. Professor, ECE) | Member | 9876160704 |
4. | Mrs. Shallu Singh (Lab Asstt., ECE) | Member | 9463535661 |
5. | Mrs. Pooja Arora (Jr. Stenographer) | Member | 7814303617 |
6. | Mrs. Adv. Tania Bhatti | (Jalandhar Heart-YGPT India -NGO) | |
7. | Ms. Shriya (student-B. Tech. CSE 3rd Year ) | Student Member | |
8. | Mr. Dilpreet Singh (Student-B. Tech. CE 3rd Year) | Student Member | |
9. | Ms. Kritika Aggarwal (Student-MBA, 2nd Year) | Student Member |
 The Department of National Service Scheme (NSS) and Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) of DAVIET organized a Seminar on District Legal Services on the Institute Campus on 7 December 2022. The seminar was organized to create awareness among the students about the availability of free and competent legal aid in the form of counselling and legal advice along with free legal services in the conduct of cases before courts and tribunals.
Dr Sanjeev Naval, Off. Principal accorded a green welcome the
Key Note SpeakerDr Gagandeep Kaur and the resource personn
Ms Parveen Abrol.The Key Note Speaker was Dr Gagandeep Kaur, Chief Judicial Magistrate, Jalandhar. In her talk, she highlighted that the Indian Constitution is the basis from which all the laws originate. Dr Gagandeep discussed different articles in the constitution like Article 39 A that ensures access to justice for all. She also shared the fact that sound legal advice and services are available for anyone in need of them. She shared with all the present that the District Legal Services Authority is committed to spreading legal awareness among the masses highlighting the importance of good legal advice. She also shared that the Department aims to render free legal aid to under-trial prisoners whose cases are pending in courts.
Ms Parveen Abrol, the learned Resource Person talked about the District Legal Services Authorityand shared that the Lok Adalats play an important role in society. They save time, and energy leading to mental peace. She also highlighted the importance of women’s empowerment in today’s society. She highlighted that everyone has equal rights irrespective of gender. Women have been on the back foot economically and socially, but she added, that the good news is that now women are realising their true potential and outshining men.
 Dr Sanjeev Naval, Principal, stated that all of us must be aware of our rights. But at the same time, he highlighted, that we should know about the legal guidance and services that are readily available to us. He shared the life of Dr BR Ambedkar and credited him for creating the constitution of India, which safeguards the interests of everyone. He thanked the Keynote speaker Dr Gagandeep Kaur for apprising the students and teachers about the activities of the District Legal Services Department. He also appreciated the efforts of the NSS wing and Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) of the Institute and encouraged Dr Ashok Kumar, the NSS Program Officer, Dr Suman Tondon, Incharge ICC, and Dr Shivani Vij, the Program Co-ordinator to continue the good work.
Dr Ashok Kumar expressed his gratitude towards the Keynote Speaker Dr Gagandeep Kaur for a highly enlightening talk. He also thanked Dr Sanjeev Naval for his constant support and assured that the NSS wing will leave no stone unturned to serve society.

Workshop on ‘Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act 2013’
The Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) in collaboration with The Gender Sensitization Cell (GSC) of DAV Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jalandhar organized a workshop on ‘Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act 2013’ on November 25, 2022, to highlight the need of women safety and security. The basic aim to conduct this workshop was to aware the women employees and students about the provisions of the Act for their empowerment. Over 300 students of the Institute attended this workshop. Advocate Tania Bhatti was the speaker on the occasion. Dr. Sudhir Sharma, Principal, DAVIET gave a green welcome to Advocate Bhatti.
Advocate Tania Bhatti is also an active social worker. She highlighted various provision of ‘Prevention of Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace Act 2013’. She stated about the rights and powers of women for their empowerment. She threw light on four important articles such as Article 14 i.e right to equality, Article 15 i.e discrimination on the basis of sex, Article 19(1)(g) i.e practice of right of women to carry any business/practice, Article 21 i.e right to life. She discussed various significant judgments of some cases. Further, she gave overview of Posh Act and enlightened the audience.
Dr. Sudhir Sharma, Principal, DAVIET appreciated the participants of this workshop. In his speech, he stated that Gender Sensitization Cell and Internal complaint Committee of DAVIET are playing preventive role also and the cells have regular meetings with students in the Institute. Further, he mentioned that we all should realize the importance to generate awareness of welfare services intended for women in India.
The audience had an interactive session with Advocate Bhatti. She gave tips to the present female audience. All present got benefitted from this awareness workshop.At the end of valediction, Advocate Tania Bhatti was presented a token of gratitude by Dr. Sudhir Sharma with team members of ICC and GSC.At the end vote of thanks was presented by Dr. Suman Tandon-Associate Prof. (BM) & Convener of the Internal Complaint Committee (ICC).