Gender Sensitization Cell

The institution is well prepared to handle and respond to gender sensitive issues and provide an environment where men and women can work together with a sense of personal security and dignity. For this purpose the institute has setup gender sensitization cell in April 2016. The cell engrosses the awareness about gender issues and working towards and creating an enabling environment of gender justice.

 Main objective of Gender Sensitization cell are:

  • To make the young boys and girl’s gender sensitive and create positive values that supports the girls and their rights.
  • To provide overall guidance to the peer group in integrating/mainstreaming gender in all activities of the Institution in the form of focused group discussions, debates, poster making competitions etc.
  • To provide an integrated and interdisciplinary approach to understand the social and cultural constructions of gender that shapes the experiences of women and men in society.
  • To generate the awareness in regard to equality in law, social system and democratic activities.
Faculty member(s) deputed from each department designated as nodal teachers in this cell will identify student Gender Champions from their department. Detail guidelines regarding selection of Gender Champions which is a joint initiative of the Ministry of women and Child Development and Ministry of Human Resource Development are provided on the website (

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