Department of Computer Applications

Department of Computer Applications provides the students ability to serve the competitive and corporative world in the fields like Information Technology project management, Management Information System, ERP, System & Application programming, System Analysis & Design, E-Business etc.

Department of Computer Applications offers three year undergraduate course- BCA and two year post graduate course- MCA that provides the students with an ability to serve the
competitive world in the fields like Information Technology, Project Management, Management Information System, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERM), System & Application Programming, System Analysis & Design, Digital Marketing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Big Data Analysis etc. and various government jobs. Students get job opportunities in the IT sector after completing the MCA & BCA course with the aim to achieve the following objectives:-

  • To endow with in depth knowledge of IT industry.
  • To meet the industrial insist for higher talented professionals who will take lead in the ongoing technological dynamics.
  • To build up competent professionals who will play an significant responsibility in different commercial, industrial & academic activities.

Highlights of Courses

Earn while you Learn 20 students from BCA having more than 60% marks in the qualifying exam and excellent communication skills will get an opportunity to Co-op for a job with a salary of Rs. 8000 to Rs. 10000 pm which shall be arranged by the Institute.

Vision of the Department

Department of computer applications aims to prepare well groomed & technically proficient computer professionals to meet up with the demands of challenging industry and societal needs.

Mission of the Department

  1. To equip our students with good knowledge, skills and attitude by offering latest tools and technology in the domain of computer applications.
  2. To establish industry-academia interaction to facilitate the students to work proficiently in the industrial environment.
  3. To imbibe high moral values and professional ethics.

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