Student Induction Program – 2020


Department of Applied Sciences organized one week online Engineering Induction Training Program (SIP – Student Induction Program) for the new entrants in B.Tech First year here from 22 to 28 September, 2020. The Induction Training aimed at equipping the students with the necessary skills set to perform well in the latest phase of their lives. During the program, students will be provided information regarding Research Opportunities,  Academic Initiatives, Job Scenarios and the required skills set, Community Services Initiatives, Entrepreneurship Cell, Sports and Culture Activities. The special attraction was the key note address on day one by MrPardeep Sharma, a motivational speaker of repute..

Dr. Kanchan L. Singh, Head Department of Applied Sciences welcomed the new entrants. She highlighted that DAV provides a unique blend of modern scientific knowledge with rich Vedic Arya Samaj Values. She highlighted the fact that in the modern day world having the technical knowhow is important but at the same time the understanding of social responsibility leading to mutual harmony is must. She motivated the students to give their best to follow in the footsteps of their seniors who have made stellar achievements making DAVIET a high seat of learning.

Dr. Manoj Kumar, Principal DAVIET, welcomed the new entrants to DAVIET campus. He highlighted the fact that that by securing a seat in the Institution the students have taken that initial step towards achieving their goals as DAVIET is a nationally acclaimed institution of Technical education. He highlighted the fact that we are passing through unprecedented times but DAVIET is fully prepared to tackle any exigency. He shared that he is hopeful that students will be able to come to college in batches from October onwards and assured the parents that the safety of the students is the top most priority of the Institute. To achieve the aim, the institute will be going with a split classroom teaching and a blended model of education wherein norms of social distancing will be followed and half of the class will attend the lecture online. He also shared that DAVIET is one of the two institutes which is offering the students Hons and Minor degrees alongside their regular degrees. He urged the students to give their best in every situation and be the flag bearers of DAVIET name.

The chief attraction of the program was the key note address by MrPardeep Sharma, a motivational speaker of repute. He highlighted the importance of knowing once purpose in life because without a purpose, ones life is like a rudderless ship. He also shared the need of having passion and commitment towards one’s goal. He shared the fact that adaptability is the buzz word which can take an individual places and in the current Covid 19 scare it has become the chief survival skill. He enthused the students to dream big and give their best to make learning a habit.

Day one concluded with the students and the parents interacting with the faculty of the Department of Applied Sciences which was followed by a virtual visit of the institution. On the concluded days students were having different sessions on Human values, communication skills, Interaction of Dean Students Affair, Interaction of Head of the Departments and senior faculties with students, Art and craft sessions etc. A well planned schedule has been prepared and executed by all the involved faculty members for the students. The students were very enthusiastic and motivated during these lectures and sessions arranged for them .

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