Student Induction Program – 2021


SIP [Student Induction Program] for the new entrants in B. Tech. First year was organized by the department of Applied Sciences from October 11 to 29 October, 2021. The Induction Program aimed at providing the students the necessary information and the exposure to perform well during their stay in the college. During the program, students were provided information regarding Research Opportunities, Academic Initiatives, Job Scenarios and the required skills set, Community Services Initiatives, Entrepreneurship Cell, Sports and Culture Activities. The special focus of the Student Induction Program was to inculcate the qualities of team spirit and universal human values by encouraging students to introspect and discuss their views in special interactive sessions. To help the students know their purpose in life and remain motivated to achieve their goals special motivational sessions with industry academia leaders were organized. The unique attraction of this start of the program was the keynote addresses by Mr. Simerjeet Singh, an international motivational speaker and by Dr. G. S. Randhawa, Professor, IIT, Roorkee.

The induction program was initiated with the blessings of GOD by lightning of the lamp followed by the welcome address and blessings of Head of the department of Applied Sciences and worthy Principal Professor (Dr.) Manoj Kumar.

Dr. Ashok Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Sciences, on behalf of our Head of the Department & Associate Professor, Dr. Kanchan L Singh, welcomed the new entrants. He highlighted that DAV provides a unique blend of modern scientific knowledge with rich Vedic Arya Samaj Values. Further, he added that in the modern-day world, having the technical know-how is essential, but at the same time, the understanding of social responsibility leading to mutual harmony is a must. He highlighted the need to remain motivated and focused during the tough times of pandemic to bring about new dawn where everyone is safe and healthy. He encouraged the students to give their best to follow in their seniors who have made stellar achievements making DAVIET a high seat of learning.

Worthy Principal, Professor (Dr.) Manoj Kumar, welcomed the new entrants to the DAVIET campus. He highlighted that by securing a seat in the institution, the students took that initial step towards achieving their goals as DAVIET is a nationally acclaimed technical education institution. He highlighted that we are passing through unprecedented times, but DAVIET is fully prepared to tackle any exigency. He highlighted the achievements of the alumni and motivated the new entrants to follow in the footsteps of their seniors. He also shared that DAVIET is the only institution that MSME has recognized as a host institution. He urged the students to come up with unique ideas about entrepreneurship, and the institution could help get a grant of up to 15 lakhs for the project. Finally, he urged the students to give their best in every situation and be the flag bearers of DAVIET.

The chief attraction of the program was the keynote address by Mr. Simerjeet Singh, a motivational speaker of repute. He stated that we should commit for taking a positive view of life, every single day. He also shared that the students have to give their best and enter into a partnership with the institution to get the best results. He highlighted the importance of knowing one’s purpose because life is like a rudderless ship without a purpose. He also shared the need for having passion and commitment towards one’s goal. He highlighted the fact that one can succeed in life by treading on the unchartered territory. He asked the students to practice Kaizen, achieve small wins to boost self-esteem and make efforts without the expectation of applause. He shared that adaptability is the buzzword that can take an individual places, and in the current Covid-19 scare, it has become the chief survival skill. He enthused the students to dream big and give their best to make learning a habit.

The other impressive lecture was given by Dr. G. S. Randhawa, IIT, Roorkee Professor of Biotechnology (retired), in which he explained his successful life experience to new entrants with his own life experience. He did hands-on activities with students to teach and understand them. He advised students to be more informed and diligent, success will automatically follow you. He gave many examples from his own life, from which he explained that it is important to learn a lot and always work hard, but never worry about the future and the carrier. Because if you’re knowledgeable enough, success should follow.

The next prominent personality was Mr. Abhishek Mehra, President, Yuva Bharat, Jalandhar District who delivered lecture Meditation & Mind Relaxation session for the three days during second week of “Student induction program-2021” for the new entrants in which he explained the freshers about yoga techniques by which they can keep their mind and body relaxed.

Next keynote speaker of the Induction Program Were Dr. Pallavi Khanna, Chief Counsellor – Medical and Psychiatric Social Worker and Counselling Psychologist, who delivered a lecture on “Heartfulness Meditation” The Happiness Program introduced that it ignites a desire to understand oneself and learn ways to harmonize one’s inner with the revolutionary yogic techniques that studies show is ‘not only therapeutic for stress and depression, but also benefit the immune system, improve brain function, and improve overall health by reducing stress and raising your energy, bringing you back to a clear and positive state.

An expert talk delivered on “Electoral Literacy” as a part of SVEEP initiative for 36-Jalandhar North area during the “Student Induction Program-2021”. The expert talk was delivered by Ms. Ashima Saini, Head, Department of Political Sciences, KMV Jalandhar and SVEEP Nodal officer 36 Jalandhar North. The Chief Guest of the function was Ms. Anupam Kaler, PCS and Deputy Director Urban Local Bodies Jalandhar. The basic aim of the talk was to spread electoral awareness amongst the budding engineers so that they should become responsible and conscientious citizens of the nation. Ms Ashima Saini, while speaking on the importance of electoral literacy stated that in India every citizen has the power to run the country by selecting the right representatives. She highlighted the fact that the voters should select the candidates wisely as a small error in judgment can send the wrong leader at the top. She also shared the fact that the young generation is not interested in the electoral process and need of the hour is to involve them actively in it. She highlighted the fact that the election commission of India started the SVEEP initiative to spread awareness in masses about the importance of voting. She shared that citizen who are responsible and committed can take the right decisions and select the most suitable candidates to lead the country. The Chief Guest of the function Ms. Anupam Kaler had a fruitful interaction with the students. She encouraged them to ask questions and while giving answers highlighted that as citizens we should rise above the differences of caste, culture and creed to select the most suitable candidates to lead the country. She also shared the fact that SVEEP stands for Systematic Voters’ Education and Electoral Participation. She stated that the youngsters are the future of the nation and they should be encouraged to come forward and get themselves registered as voters to steer the nation forward. Principal Prof. Dr Manoj Kumar applauded the efforts being done by election commission representatives to spread electoral awareness. He highlighted the fact that every student above the age of eighteen should cast his vote. He also encouraged the students to be in touch with the election ambassadors of the college to clarify any doubt about the registration process and the steps involved in casting votes. He expressed his belief that all the students will take active part in the election process and will contribute their bit in taking the nation forward.

A session was arranged on “Art of Living” delivered by Ms. Saloni Kalra arranged for students for their stress management skills ability enhancements during their studies.

A sessional lecture was delivered by the source of inspiration to youngsters, young Vedic scholar Dr. Udyan Arya Principal Gurukul, Kartarpur delivered a particular lecture at DAVIET in Jalandhar. Addressing the youngsters, he shared important principles of Vedic Philosophy with them and said “All Indians should try to know and understand the knowledge of the Vedas which is heritage of the world.”

The three-week students’ induction program was scheduled daily from early morning till evening equippedwith different activities including lectures by eminent personalities, parents’ interaction with the faculty of the Department of Applied Sciences followed by a visit to various labs on day one. The lecture by Dr. Sudhir Sharma, Dean Academics & Head, Department of Electrical Engineering, in which he explained all the academic rules and regulations of the Institute as well as the affiliated University. He told about what to do and what not to do.The lecture by Dr. Sanjeev Naval, Dean students’ affairs & Head, Department of Civil Engineering, in which he explained all the rights and responsibilities of the students and regulations of the Institute as well as the affiliated University. He stressed on the rights of students and make them aware of about them as well highlighted the responsibilities of the students toward institution, parents and the nation and also shown them the path to students to achieve those qualities to fulfil the responsibilities. The other lecture was delivered by Dr. Harman Preet Singh, Librarian in which he explained all the available stock of books, resources, journals, magazines etc. He gave the knowledge of the access to the digital library and about CAE of the institute as well as the tied-up e-resources available for the students in DAVIET. The other lecture was by Dr. Kiran Ahuja on behalf of Dean RIC, DAVIET in which she explained to the new entrants about the research opportunities and Different technical competition. She explained about online e-resources for the same. The other sessions of the induction program had included Meditation,Yoga, Art & craft, Human values lectures, Informative sessions by Various Deans for informing students, Lectures by different Cells and Clubs co-ordinators and mentors of the institute to introduce them and inform about the activities of the cells and clubs, Sessions on Mind & body relaxation, various diagnostics tests of learning styles and English vocabulary, Lecture and test by department of  Training and Placement on Job opportunities and Entrepreneurship followed by diagnostic test of their skills, Lecture by Director Sports on Need of fitness activities in Engineering, Lectures on pre-requisite by the students in Engineering Few glimpses:

On the last day of first week there was a recreational tour arranged for the new entrants to PinglaGhar. It is for the exposure of students about the conditions of under privileged. PinglaGhar is a home for the homeless, providing care to handicapped, destitute, mentally retarded and the abandoned. The students were accompanied by Dr. Nitin Kalra, and Dr. Bhupinder Singh,Assistant Professors, Department of Applied Sciences.

In Student Induction Program-2021, the last three days were scheduled for presentations by the new entrants and their feedback about the program and various information sessions arranged for the students. The second and third last days consecutively were the days arranged for “Talent Hunt” Adharva-2021 and last day was arranged for the feedback session.TheInduction Program concluded by a vote of thanks by Dr. Kanchan L Singh, Head Department of Applied Sciences and the blessings of Dr. Sanjeev Naval, Dean Students and head department of Civil Engineering.

Induction Schedule

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