As technology advances and competition increases, to have edge of our students on others we offer value addition courses in the following areas:

  • Oracle Work force development program
  • Cisco Network Academy program
  • Red Hat Academy Program
  • IBM Academic initiative Program

Oracle Workforce Development Program

Oracle Workforce Development Program training will prepare students for Oracle certification testing. With the widely acclaimed credential of Oracle certification, WDP students are readied for a variety of entry-level Oracle job-roles as well as career advancement.

Cisco Networking Academy Program

Cisco Networking Academy Program provides skills students need to work in IT fields. The program offers Web-based content, online assessment, hand-on labs, instructor training, and preparation for industry certifications

Red Hat Academy Program

Red Hat Academy Program provides students relevant and proven Linux knowledge & skills in this technology programs. Red Hat has created a challenging Linux curriculum to meet this demand. Red Hat offers the only 100% fully web deployed & managed curriculum program that creates proven competencies from hands-on, performance-based testing and assessments.

IBM’s Academic Initiative Program

IBM’s Academic Initiative Program aims at empowering the students of today to face the challenges of the marketplace of tomorrow. The Academic initiative program facilitates a global model of partnership between industry and academia to drive evolving open standards-based IT skills – essentially in demand skills for an on demand world. The IBM Academic Initiative offers open standards; open source and IBM technologies and educational resources to help faculty and students stay current with IT industry. We give students access to IBM software through the IBM University Relations.

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