Civil Engineering

Welcome to the website of Department of Civil Engineering.

The Department of Civil Engineering is one of the oldest Departments in this Institute. It was established   in the year 2002. Over the years, the Department has grown many times in different spheres of activities. At present, the Department offers an undergraduate programme in Civil Engineering leading to the B.Tech degree and one graduate programme –  in Civil Engineering. This core department had sanctioned strength of one Professor, two Assistant Professors and nine Lecturers. Present intake capacity of 60 students in each batch at B.Tech Level and 18 at M.Tech Level. The department has well qualified and experienced faculty members. Apart from teaching and research, all faculties are actively involved in training and other extracurricular activities for all round development of the Department. Faculties of this department are also undertaking design, testing & consultancy works for various organizations leading to resource generation for the Institute. The course curriculum is up-to-date, spanning disciplines that cover both traditional concepts and recent developments. A strong foundation is laid through courses on Concrete and Steel Structures, Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Transportation Engineering, Irrigation Engineering and Computer Application. Beside, students are offered a variety of electives like Bridge Design, Properties of Soil, Pre stressed concrete, Rock Mechanics, Advanced Environmental Engineering . The theoretical courses are supplemented by imparting  practical experience through well-equipped laboratories.

A number of consultancy works have been completed and many are presently in progress. The Department has offered and continues to offer testing and consultancy services to various government departments and organizations in both the public and private sectors. The laboratories of the Department are well equipped. Majority of the graduates are well placed in India and abroad. Many of them have also gone for higher studies in the country and abroad. Right from its inception, the Department has been doing its best to bring about excellence in academics. Detailed information on faculty and their expertise, laboratories, activities of the Department etc. are available in the web pages. In case you are unable to find any information pertaining to the Department that is of interest to you, please feel free to contact us.


Associate Professor & Head
Email: [email protected],[email protected]

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