Cultural Session 2011-12

PTU – Inter – Zonal Youth Festival 2011-12 

DAV Institute of engineering & Technology, Jalandhar created a landmark history by lifting the overall PTU Inter Zonal youth festival Trophy 2011 for the 10th consecutive time held at GNIMT, Ludhiana

PTU – Zonal Youth Festival 2011-12 (ZONE II) 

DAV Institute of engineering & Technology, Jalandhar created a landmark history by lifting the overall PTU Zonal youth festival Trophy 2011 for the 10th consecutive time in as many years.DAVIET won the overall trophy by a gigantic difference.

Sh. Priyank Bharti, IAS, Deputy Commissioner, Jalandhar along with Sh. C.L.Kochher, Regional Director graced the occasion with their presence included, Mr. Jaspal Singh, Cultural Coordinator, PTU.

Scholarship Distribution Ceremony
2nd October,2011
Internal Event
PTU Zonal Youth Festival -2011
28-29th October, 2011
Overall Winner
PTU Inter-Zonal Youth Festival -2011
(held at GNIMT Ludhiana)
11-12-13th  November, 2011
Overall Winner
AIU North India Intervarsity Youth Festival – 2011
22-26 November, 2011

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