Research & Development

Research & Development

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Department of Information Technology

“Research is four things: brains with which to think, eyes with which to see, machines with which to measure and, fourth, money.”

– Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

Faculty PhD Details

S. No.Name of FacultyDesignationUniversityStatus
1Dr. Dinesh KumarAssociate Prof. & HeadPunjabi University, PatialaCompleted
2Dr. Rajeev KumarAssistant Prof.IKG PTU, KapurthalaCompleted
3Ms. Reeta BhardwajAssistant Prof.IKG PTU, KapurthalaIn Progress
4Mr. J.S. DhillonAssistant Prof.IKG PTU, KapurthalaIn Progress
5Mr. Gagan KumarAssistant Prof.IKG PTU, KapurthalaIn Progress

IKG PTU Recognized Supervisors

S. No.Name of FacultyDesignationSupervisor Number
1Dr. Dinesh KumarAssociate Prof. & Head11030062
2Dr. Rajeev KumarAssistant Prof.

Research Guidance

S. No.Name of FacultyPhD GuidanceM.Tech Guidance
GuidedUnder GuidanceGuidedUnder Guidance
1Dr. Dinesh Kumar03023703
2Dr. Rajeev Kumar
3Ms. Reeta Bhardwaj
4Ms. Avani Chopra
5Mr. Rajesh Kochher12

Research Publications

S. No.Name of FacultyJournalsConference
1Dr. Dinesh Kumar50051203
2Dr. Rajeev Kumar
3Ms. Reeta Bhardwaj
4Mr. J.S. Dhillon02020102
5Mr. Gagan Kumar
6Ms. Avani Chopra
7Mr. Rajesh Kochher15152010

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