Electrical Engineering Department is focusing its research work mainly on power quality, wind generation, induction generators, Robust Control Design, Optimization, etc. As many students are undergoing their thesis work, the department is equipped with adequate software and hardware facilities. For power quality studies the department is having the fluke make three phase power quality analyzer (model 435). Solar Photo Voltaic Training Kit is also available conducting experiments related to construction, mode of operation, connecting and installation of PV-plants. It can be used both to the supplementary demonstration of lessons and courses as well as for the use in practical training.

Software’s available are MATLAB/ SIMULINK, ETAP and PSCAD etc which are used for simulation work. Other areas identified for research are:

      • Power Quality, Induction Generator, Wind Generation
      • Protection using optical fiber sensors.
      • Substation Grounding.
      • Facts controller and robust control
      • Harmonic distortion analysis in electrical distribution system.
      • Error estimation of HOKUYO Laser range finder
      • Optimization of power system with Wind-Thermal Generation
      • Power quality Improvement using custom power devices
      • Feeder loss analysis using different techniques (MiPower)

Research Facilities

Insight Solar Power Panel develops an in-depth understanding of a Solar PV Plant through real-life hands on experience. Solar PV system is helpful to the engineering students of both undergraduate and postgraduate level. This panel focuses on the characteristics of PV module at different conditions and power flow analysis.
The Fluke 435 Series II Power Quality and Energy Analyzer is the Power Quality analyzer that can monetize the cost of energy waste due to poor power quality. The wide range of measurement functions and measurement methods in the Fluke 435-II make it the ideal tool for both power quality troubleshooting and discovering energy savings. The Fluke 435 II Energy Analyzer is the ideal portable power quality instrument providing advanced power quality functionality and energy analysis capabilities.

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